Dasan’s last Study, Habit, and Question – Jo Yoon-je

The Dasan series by author Jo Yun-jae has become a scripture to me. It has been three years since I welcomed the New Year with my first work, adopting a posture of self-cultivation. Currently, I have read the “Study” segment eight times and the “Habits” segment four times, and have just started my first reading…

The Dasan series by author Jo Yun-jae has become a scripture to me.

It has been three years since I welcomed the New Year with my first work, adopting a posture of self-cultivation. Currently, I have read the “Study” segment eight times and the “Habits” segment four times, and have just started my first reading of the new “Questions” segment. Yet, the more I ponder upon it, like the anecdotes from Sejong the Great with <資治通鑑綱目: Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance>, the fresher it tastes.

“嗟平 能踐不平”

I recognize my shortcomings.

Though I have taken a long and winding path,, it is time to take another step. With a devout attitude, I engrave each character into my heart.


조윤제 작가의 다산 시리즈는 나에게 경서가 되었다.

첫 작으로 신년을 맞이하며 수양의 자세를 좇은지 삼 년이 지났다. 현재는 ‘공부’편을 8회독, ‘습관’편을 4회독 하였고, 신간 ‘질문’ 편의 초독에 들어섰다. 그럼에도 세종의 <資治通鑑綱目>에 대한 일화를 바라보듯 곱씹을 수록 그 맛은 새로웠다.

“嗟平 能踐不平”

부족함을 깨닫는다.
멀리 돌아왔지만, 다시 한 걸음씩 디뎌야 할 순간이다.
경건한 자세로 한 자씩 마음에 새겨본다.

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