Error Budgeting & Imaging Using Micro-Scale AFM

1. Overview

This is a final project for Advanced Mechatronic II. Using a tapping mode macro-AFM which can track a sample in a vertical (z) position and moving stage in a horizontal (x-y) plane, an object can be sampled to acquire an image. This project involves error modeling for the imaging stages and experiments that aims to scan over a nickel coin using LabVIEW, a programmable moving stage, and macro-AFM.

Figure 1. Experiment Setup
Figure 2. Sample for Scanning

2. Dynamic Error Budgeting

Figure 3. Output Plots of PSD and CPS

3. Imaging

Image Parameters
● Scanned Area: 10 mm x 10 mm
● x line of rate: 100 s / line
● y line of rate: 100 s / line
● MATLAB colormap: default (left)
● Matplotlib colormap: coolwarm (right)
AFM Parameters
● Reference Amplitude: 0.08
● Sampling Frequency: 2000
● Resonance Frequency: 43 Hz
● Locked Frequency:44 Hz
● Ti Tracking: 4
● Kp: 0.64
Figure 4. Colormap of the Result: MATLAB
Figure 5. Colormap of the Result: Python

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